For real?Good question! What is real and what is not?Black-and-white thinking (the tendancy to see the world in extremes) can lead to polarization. And that is a real problem.Therefore Titane will nuance extreme views and dissect fake news and other misleading claims. In simple words and clear drawings to ... get the picture:

WARNING: Excessive use of articial intelligence (AI) may affect your critical thinking skills. True to the focus of For Real, no generative AI of any kind has been used for this website or any word, design and drawing on it. Also, only sustainable materials have been used such as paper made from responsible wood fibers and India ink, which does not fade even after centuries. The utmost attention has been paid to the texts and their lettering, designs and drawings. Despite careful inspection, however, these may contain traces of erased pencil sketches and correcting fluid.

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